Meine Lieblingsjahreszeit ist definitiv der Herbst. Das Laub an den Bäumen färbt sich bunt - gelb, orange, rot und braun. Überall sind warme Farbtöne. Kürbisse dekoriert man an den Hauseingängen. Die Tage werden kürzer, die Nächte länger und kühler. Somit ist Herbst die ideale Jahreszeit zum Nähen und Quilten. Ich habe mir aus dem wunderschönen „Herbstquilt“ Buch von Claudia Hasenbach dieses paper-pieced Quilt ausgesucht. Das Top ist fast fertig, es fehlen nur noch die applizierten Thujen und die Kürbisse. Sobald ich den Rand auch fertig habe, kommt ein neues Foto. Ich wollte nur zeigen, woran ich gerade arbeite. Wäre doch schön, in so einem Haus zu leben.
My favourite season is definitely the autumn. The foliage in the trees brightly colours - yellow, orange, red and brown. Everywhere are warm tones. One decorates pumpkins at the house entrances. The days become shorter, the nights longer and cool. Therefore autumn is the ideal season to sewing and quilting. This pattern is from the wonderful book “Autumn Quilts” of Claudia Hasenbach. The top is nearly finished, it is only missing the applicated trees and the pumpkins. As soon as I have the edge also finished, a new photo comes. I wanted to only show, what I just work on. It would be nice to live in such a house.
My favourite season is definitely the autumn. The foliage in the trees brightly colours - yellow, orange, red and brown. Everywhere are warm tones. One decorates pumpkins at the house entrances. The days become shorter, the nights longer and cool. Therefore autumn is the ideal season to sewing and quilting. This pattern is from the wonderful book “Autumn Quilts” of Claudia Hasenbach. The top is nearly finished, it is only missing the applicated trees and the pumpkins. As soon as I have the edge also finished, a new photo comes. I wanted to only show, what I just work on. It would be nice to live in such a house.